
Previous rules are below for historical purposes:


Last updated 08-19-2020

Temporary COVID Rules

I’m putting these temporary rules in place to hopefully mitigate any possible issues we might have this season.

I. Lineups

To accommodate any last-minute COVID issues, lineup changes can be made up until the kickoff of each player’s game.

II. Transactions

Transactions will now be able to be performed up until the kickoff of each player’s game. Players added to the NFL COVID list will be marked with the “C” designation. They will be eligible for IR. The number of IR spots will still be five, but could possibly be extended if I deem it necessary.

III. Payouts

MFL will refund our league fees if the season is less than 7 weeks long. If the NFL season is canceled within the first six weeks, the season won’t count and all money will be rolled over for next season. If the season is suddenly canceled after 7 weeks, I will seed the playoffs as if they were starting that week. Fantasy Bowl winner money will go to 1st seed, Fantasy Bowl loser money will go to 2nd seed, and divisional winner money will go to the top teams of each division.

I. Draft

The draft will go 17 rounds. The draft order is determined by drawing names out of a hat every other year. On even-numbered years we will have a draft drawing for the upcoming season. The draft order will then be reversed for the season following the one we drew the order for. The draft will be a serpentine draft, with the order being flip-flopped every round. If there are new teams coming into the league, there will be an expansion draft before the real draft starts. In the expansion draft, the new teams can draft up to three players from the teams that are leaving the league.

If something comes up last minute and you are unable to draft, you have two options. You can either find someone who is not in the league to draft for you from a list of players and a list of what positions to draft each round, or you can let the draft system draft for you. You can enter your draft list and list of what position to draft each round and the system will draft for you.

II. Keeper League Rules

You can keep up to three players, but you can only keep a player 3 times before they have to enter the draft again. Each time a player is kept, his keeper number will be increased by one. Keeper numbers will be displayed on the roster page as K1, K2, or K3. When players are traded they retain their keeper number value. Players that are K3s can’t be kept. For each player you keep you will give up a draft pick. That draft pick will be one pick higher than that player was drafted. If that player was drafted after the 9th round it will be your eighth-round pick. If you don’t have a draft pick in the round you are supposed to give up you will give up then next higher draft pick. If there aren’t any higher draft picks left you will give up your next lower pick. If you trade out of a round that would be required for a certain keeper, and you have no higher round picks to give up, you will not be able to keep that keeper.

III. Entrance Fee

The entrance fee will be $25 and must be paid at the draft unless you make other arrangements. $70 will be used for the on-line management system, and the rest of the money will go into a pot and be used as prize money. See the end of the rules to find out how it will be split up.

IV. Roster

The rosters will consist of 17 active players and up to five players on IR (injured reserved). Starting lineups will consist of 1 Quarterback, 1 Running Back, 1 Wide Receiver, 1 Tight End, 1 Kicker, 1 Defense, and 2 Flex positions that can either be a Running Back, Wide Receiver, or Tight End. To place a player on IR the player has to be listed as “Doubtful” or “OUT” on the NFL’s weekly injury list. Once a player is on IR you can pick up a free agent (free of charge). Once a player is no longer listed as “Doubtful” or “OUT” on the NFL’s weekly injury report he must be moved back to the fantasy team’s active roster ASAP. If this is not done you will get one warning from the Commish. If it is not done in a reasonable amount of time after the warning, the player on IR will be waived.

V. Kordell Stewart Rule

If a player makes a definite change in position, the commissioner will inform everybody that that player’s fantasy position is changing. If the player is only playing the other position part time then that player will stay at his drafted position. If you think the player’s position should be switched, inform the commissioner. The commissioner has the final say in the switching of player positions, but will most likely go with what NFL.com or MyFantasyLeague.com have that player listed as.

VI. Scoring

Only the starters will receive points. If the game is tied, decimal scoring will be used giving players 0.1 pts for yards rushing or receiving, and 0.05 pts for yards passing. If the score is still tied, it will go down as a tied game. If a playoff game is still tied after decimal scoring is used, then the playoff game tie-breakers will come into play. The tie-breaking methods can be found later in the rules. The scoring will be as followed:

  • 6 points for touchdowns scored on offense or defense.
  • 3 points for a touchdown pass.
  • 1 point for every ten yards gained running or receiving.
  • 1 point for every twenty yards passing.
  • 3 points for field goal thirty-nine yards or less.
  • 4 points for field goal forty-nine yards or less.
  • 5 points for field goal fifty yards or greater.
  • 2 points for two-point conversion running or receiving.
  • 1 point for two-point conversion passed.
  • 1 point for extra point kicked.
  • 2 points for a safety.
  • 3 points for a coach win.
  • 1 point for a sack, interception, or fumble recovery.
  • 2 points for extra point or two-point conversion return.
  • 6 points for a defensive shutout.

From time to time there are official stat changes. These changes have never affected the outcome of a game, but it’s possible that they might someday. So be aware that the scores may change up until the Thursday following the Tuesday that the scores are complete.

VII. Schedule

The schedule will consist of thirteen games played in thirteen weeks. Each team will play divisional opponents twice, and three non-divisional opponents. The 14th, 15th, and 16th weeks will be the playoffs. The 2 divisional champions will make the playoffs and get first-round byes. Then the next 4 teams with the best records will make the playoffs regardless of division. The two divisional champions will get the first two seeds. The non-divisional winners will be seeded based on power ranking. The top seed will always play the lowest seed and so on.

VIII. Tie-breaking Methods

If at the end of the regular season, two or more teams finish with the same record, the following steps will be used to break the tie:

    Divisional Leader

  1. Head-to-head.
  2. Best divisional record.
  3. Most points scored.
  4. Most weeks with the high score.
  5. Coin toss.

    Wild Card

  1. Head-to-head (if applicable).
  2. Most points scored.
  3. Most weeks with the high score.
  4. Coin toss.

If a regular-season game is tied, the scores will be recalculated using a decimal system. 0.1 pts. per yard rushing and receiving, 0.05 pts. per yard passing. If the score is still tied, it will go down as a tie game.

If a playoff game is tied the following steps will be used to break the tie:

  1. Recalculate score using a decimal system. 0.1 pts. per yard rushing and receiving, 0.05 pts. per yard passing.
  2. Most touchdowns scored among all starting players (including K and Defense).
  3. Most field goals.
  4. Most extra points.
  5. Coin toss.

IX. Transactions

Trades can be made freely between teams until the ninth week of the season. After the ninth week, no trades can be made until after the playoffs. Trades can be made during the off-season, but all players involved in the trades must be kept. If a trade happens after the keeper deadline, the players that switch teams act like regular keepers on their new team. Teams can’t trade for players that have a keeper number of 3. Those players are free agents and must enter the draft. Free agents can be picked up any time during the regular season and playoffs, but your roster can only consist of nineteen or sixteen (depending on the week of the season) non-injured players at one time. Free agents are not allowed to be picked up during the off-season.

Every weekend we will use a process called “blind bidding” to determine new free-agent pickups. See below for more information about the blind bidding process. Otherwise, free agents are first-come, first-serve. All transactions will cost $1.00. The dollar will be put in the pot and be used for prize money at the end of the season.

Players that play in early games on either Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday can’t be picked up until the blind bidding period starts on Sunday. The system doesn’t currently handle this, so it’s on the honor system, and the commissioner will reverse any transaction that breaks this rule.

X. Blind Bidding

Immediately following the draft, each team is awarded 100 fictional dollars, which they can use to bid on players the rest of the year.

From noon central time the day after the draft ends, but before the season starts, every free agent pickup is on a first-come, first-served basis, and every pickup is free. Once the season starts non-IR transactions will cost $1.00.

The blind bidding window is from the kickoff of the first games on Sunday until Tuesday 12:00 PM CST. Each team can submit their bids through the website (make sure you state who you are dropping or putting on IR). At the end of the blind bidding period, the free agents are awarded to the high bidders. If more that one team bids the same amount for the same player, the player is awarded to the team that placed the bid first. All bids must be in whole dollar amounts. Successful bids will cost $1, except for IR transactions.

From 12:00 p.m. CST on Tuesday until kickoff of Sunday’s games, teams are allowed to make their own free agent moves on a first-come, first-served basis, with each move costing $1. It doesn’t make sense to keep blind bidding all week because the most coveted free agents are taken on Tuesday.

If a team runs out of cap dollars, they’re stuck- unless they trade for more. Teams are allowed to trade players for cap dollars.

XI. Waiver Wire

Once a player is dropped from a team, he can’t be picked up by another team for 24 hours giving everybody a chance at picking up that player.

To prevent “roster churning”, which is picking up and dropping players just to lock them from others, players picked up must remain on their teams roster for two days.

XII. Flexible Lineups

Lineups must contain the following:

  • 1 Quarterback
  • 1-3 Running backs
  • 1-3 Wide Receivers
  • 1-3 Tight Ends
  • 1 Kicker
  • 1 Defense

Rosters must contain 8 total players. It’s your choice the number of RBs, WRs, and TEs you start, but you have to start at least 1 and your total number of starters has to be 8.

XIII. Lineups

Lineups should be made through the webpage. If the website is down or you have problems accessing it you should E-mail your lineup to Mason at mason@mannie.org. Lineups must be made in by kickoff. If your lineups aren’t in on time we will use your previous week lineup. If there is a Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday game, you must select the players from those games before kickoff of the early game. Those players will then be locked and cannot be changed, but the rest of your lineup can.

XIV. Prize Money

The prize money will be split up as followed. 50% will go to the Fantasy Bowl Champion. 20% will go to the Fantasy Bowl Loser. 15% will go to the 2 Divisional Champions.