The Slim Shaggys Keepers

The Slim Shaggys will be keeping Clinton Portis (1st Round Pick), DeAngelo Williams (5th Round Pick), and Maurice Jones-Drew (6th Round Pick).

Keeper Deadline Coming Soon

Just a reminder that keepers are due by the end of the day on Saturday, August 1st. I will be on vacation that weekend, so I am not sure if I will able to announce the keepers as they come in, but will try my best.

This year there are three free agents that can’t be kept by their current team. They are:

Larry Johnson – Elvis Impersonators
Ladainian Tomlinson – The Undergarments
Marion Barber – Squishy Fuzz

There are also two players that must be kept because of trade. They are:

Ronnie Brown – Vinng’s Gang – 3rd Round Pick
Kurt Warner – Bad Attitudes – 8th Round Pick

Draft Date

Nobody seems to have a problem with August 16th for a draft date, so I am going to make it official. The Draft with be on August 16th at 10:00 AM CDT.